Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Many Faces of Andrew

This past week we met up with the beautiful Jenn & Leah Lewis.  Yeah for family!!  We went to the Tanger Outlets in Mebane, NC.  We found the kiddos some clothes and I snagged some sunglasses.  Good afternoon :)

This week Joe was able to visit the OR at UNC.  He LOVED it!  He was able to observe an abdominal surgery and see the intestines.  He was thrilled and he looks pretty cute in scrubs :)

Andrew has been so interested in lights lately.  At the grocery store he loves to hang his head back and just stare up at the ceiling.

Apparently this week we took a lot of pictures of Andrew in his high chair, so lets just call the following "The many faces of Andrew".

7 months old

Sorry about the blurriness- this kid is on the move :)

He is always biting the spoon now with all those teeth.  He has 5 already- 2 top, 3 bottom.

His little mischief face.  He makes a little snorting sound when he makes this face- too cute.

Time for a nap.

Love those cherries

We love and miss you all so much!  Happy Sunday :)

Love you,

Joe, Stace & Andrew  xoxo

Friday, June 14, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

Hello Family!  Instead of sending you all emails every week, I decided instead to create a blog to keep a record of our happenings.

Happy Father's Day to the best Dad around!

Sunday walk with Dad so Mom could take a nap :)

Two buds

Reading time with Dad

Andrew likes to help Joe brush his teeth.  Such a good helper :)

Now just more pictures of this adorable snug a bug:

Looking so big in his high chair.  Andrew is now eating peas, prunes, yams, bananas, carrots, apples, pears, etc.  He even tasted some tomato and pickle.  The pickle was Joe's idea and a cruel one at that.  Sad we don't have a picture of that face!

You know it was a good nap when you have crazy hair when you wake up.
(He was smiling, but every time I went to take a pic this is the face he gave)

Little scootin' position.

Working on getting some upper teeth to come in.  He is chewing on everything.

Hot and humid :)

Love him to pieces

Very grateful for all the wonderful father's and men in our lives.  Happy Dad's Day!  Love you all and hope you are well,

Joe, Stace & Andrew xoxo